Wednesday, September 4, 2019


I want to share some of the tools that I have found that make everything easier to do.  I have learned some by reading what others are doing, and I try them.  That is the beauty of social media, we can learn so much from each other and there is always help at our fingertips


My husband made this little lap workstation for me out of Cherry plywood. It holds everything I need to work on a block.  Someday, I will get around to making a proper cover for the top but right now there is batting taped on I had the idea of making it a surface that I could lay out blocks and they wouldn't slide off.  The bottom portion holds my thread.. I have a shorter dowel to put my thimble so I don't lose it.  My glasses, and tins that hold prepped sashing and cornerstones. 
I got a clip on lamp from Amazon, which provides a lot of light..

I did a lot of reading when I first started EPP and basically, they said not to go with cotton thread because the constant pulling against the papers weakens the fibers and it will eventually break down.  They suggested a poly thread.  Someone may have even mention Bottom Line from Superior Threads.  Anyway, that is what I went with.  I like it.  It is almost like hand sewing with silk.  But I get tiny stitches and they stay well hidden.  It comes in many colors, but I generally use these 3, and I have a more tan color for fabrics that need it. 

My eyes are getting old, and I find it more difficult to thread some of these hand needles with the tiny eyes, so it is so much easier to use my Clover needle threader.  The problem is, finding a needle with an eye that will work easily with it.  Needles are basically the same.. it's the eyes that are different.  John James and Richard Hemming are great needles, that have fairly decent eyes.  I've used applique needles and Sharps.  Both are nice.  I have used Straw needles, but I can't thread them.. to see, or to use in my threader.   After a lot of trial and error, I have finally landed on two brands.  Roxanne applique needles, Made in England,  have a fairly good sized eye that I can thread free-hand.  They work in my threader, but not consistently.  The latest applique needles are Bohin size 11.  They are made in France.  The eye is large and more round and I have had no problems with them in my threader.  I am able to get nice stitches, and they are a nice length.

I put a rows worth of block pieces and the tools that I need to make them in a thin 9 x 12 box.  This way I don't have only what I need for the row that I am working on
Recently, I decided to make copies of patterns to include in the bag with all of the block pieces.  Truthfully, I wish I would have thought of this before I marked up my book, that is no longer being published.  Anyway, then when I want to get a block ready, I have the layout and color map, and pieces all accessible. and I don't need to drag out the book.  Also it eliminates confusion because some of the blocks are modified.  So far it has work out great. 


Whenever I am working on something special, normally when I was making a miniature quilt for competition, I make a project book to keep track of what I do, fabrics, problems that I ran into etc.  I figured that this quilt deserved a project book since it will take me so long to finish.  I started in a lined composition book, but it was getting pretty beat up so I moved everything over to a hard cover graph paper Moleskine journal.  It has a nice pocket in the back to put extra photos or whatever I accumulate doing this.  When I'm done with a block, I take a photo and put in in a collage app on my phone. Then I print out the photos and glue them in.

The nice thing about graph paper is that I can plan the rest of the quilt out.  Places just waiting for the finished photos. 
Brenda Papadakis named all of Jane's blocks.  Many have a person's names.  I decided that with my quilt, I would name the blocks after my family and friends, substituting her names for my own. 


I'm sure that I will think of things as I go along, but the few other things that I can think of that I use all of the time are

CLIPS  Okay, you don't need a hundred.  But I have ordered these.. especially if I want to include them in gifts, sometimes they even come from China.. but you can't beat the prices

GINGHER SNIPS I love these snips.  They are sharp, easy to use, and well made.  And you can take them when you are flying. 

SEWLINE FABRIC GLUE PENS When I work with hexies I thread baste.  But I go through a lot of glue making this quilt.  I think that you can even subscribe to the refills on Amazon.  I'm seriously considering it.. 

I love these scissors.. They are serrated, so fabric doesn't slip when cutting.  The handles are over- sized and soft silicone.  I have all of the sizes but I use the purple and teal handles the most often. 

I hope that you have found some of my ideas helpful.  I'm sure new things will pop into my mind as we go along. 
Have a good day!

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 After finally finishing all of the blocks for the center, and one border, I've probably taken too long of a break.. I still have 3 bord...