Monday, September 9, 2019

C-4, C-5, C-6


This block is pretty straightforward.  I decided to use more than one shade of red.  Kind of gives it a dimensional look.  The only thing to remember with this block is that the outside corner triangles are directional.  Make sure you label the pieces before attaching the fabric so they go the right direction. 


I loved making this block,  I never realized how easy little curves are to do until I tried them with EPP.
I did have a little trouble getting the center points perfectThere is a lot of fabric points coming together there.  I can do it on a machine, but I haven't mastered it by hand.  But, right now my motto is "Better finished than Perfect"  That's a big step for me. 
 Remember, the outside portions of this circle are directional, mark your pieces so that you put your fabrics on the correct sides.  


Another curvy block.  I enjoyed making this.  I did snap some photos of a couple things that I did as I made this block.
 When I pieced this, I pieced the outer sections first.  I think it was easier in the long run to do this in sections.
Another thing that I have learned when making this quilt (as I said this is my first EPP project) is what I guess is called flat back stitching.  I have a friend that actually lays her pieces on a surface and stitches.  I find that really difficult.  I couldn't get a picture, but I hold the pieces in my hand and catch the fabrics on the back.  the stitches don't show through to the front.

Another thing I do that I find makes it easier to get a perfect fit, I throw a few stitches in each end to secure then start in an end and work to the middle.  By then I usually need to change thread, so I start at the other end and work to the middle.  A perfect way to ease a piece in nice and flat.

The last few blocks that I've made, I have tacked an end and then taken several "basting stitches to the other end.  Then I turn and sew properly.  The piece is already basted in and I know it will fit perfectly.

I hope that this helps you!  T

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 After finally finishing all of the blocks for the center, and one border, I've probably taken too long of a break.. I still have 3 bord...