Saturday, October 12, 2019


I thought I would take a break from blocks and make a border.  I started with the top border.  This is block 1-6.
I'm posting about what I finished  because I learned something important as I went along.  It took until the 5th triangle for me to figure it out. 

I connected the top of each scallop so there is a continuous line.

 I expected that the triangle would easily fit alongside to the tip of the scallop piece.  But they were consistently a little longer.  I thought that it meant that length was added because I press the triangles in a steam press before I piece them to the scallop.  So I was going into the block, ripping out, and shortening where I could and putting it back together..  and it worked!!  But I was doing this for every triangle.. which is ridiculous.. and maybe I'm too much of a perfectionist, but I realized that I just had to be doing something wrong.  but what?

FINALLY, I figured it out.. Instead of the tip of the scallop sitting flush with the bottom of the triangles, it should be trapped at the bottom the triangles.

When it is done this way, the triangles fit perfectly.  When I start sewing them in I first stitch near the top of the scallop leaving about 1/8" so the scallops can be attached together. 
Then I stitch the bottom of the triangle down leaving about 1/8" over the tip of the scallop. 

I think that just due to so many pieces being put together to make the triangle, it isn't going to be perfect like the edge of the scallop piece. So I tack it down at each end and run a basting stitch, tacking around every inch and attach the two pieces.  This way, it lays flatter and I don't run into bows that I can't get flat enough.  After I'm done with basting, I then I stitch them down. 

It seems to work for me, and I hope that it helps you.

The worst part about making this quilt, is that there were no instructions with it.  We all have different ways of doing things that work for us, and that is how we learn to make this quilt. 

Happy Stitching!!  t

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 After finally finishing all of the blocks for the center, and one border, I've probably taken too long of a break.. I still have 3 bord...