Saturday, November 27, 2021


 After finally finishing all of the blocks for the center, and one border, I've probably taken too long of a break.. I still have 3 borders and 2 corners to go.  I've been lured away by other projects all year.  Hopefully I will get back to it next year and finally finish it!!

Wednesday, February 24, 2021


 I finished all of my row L blocks in a week.  All of them, with the exception of L-13 were machine paper pieced and applied to 4.5" paper to finish with EPP.

L-13 was appliqued and EPP

Of all the blocks in this row that look difficult, L-10 was the worst.  It too 3 tries to finally get is remotely acceptable. 

The first attempt was machine paper pieced using Susan Gatewood's pattern.  I like to do Y seams, but they were very hard to get right, to set the diamonds in on the sides of the center block.  So for some reason, I thought I would try appliqueing the diamonds instead

Nope.  That attempt looked very clunky to me.  

So I got out the EPP version that I got with my kit.  The block was modified, and looked nothing like the original. Other than my first EPP blocks, in earlier rows,  I've been trying to do as close to original as a can, so this one was a total last resort.  

Finally, I went back into EQ and re-drafted the block.  In the original, the solid blue at the top and bottom of the block are made up of 3 diamonds of the same color.  At this point, I really don't care.  So this is how I did it.  I made the 2 diamond units, which gave me a y seam at each corner, four.  Much easier to do.  Then as much as I dislike raw edge applique, that is exactly what I did to apply the six little triangles.  

Well, that's it.  I can't  believe that I am 13 blocks away from finishing the center.  Of course, I still have to sew them all together by hand and set them into the rows..  the end is in sight..


Friday, February 12, 2021

Row K

 Row K is all finished.  All machine paper pieced. Even K-7 which was pieced in 4 parts with the upper edge of the blue hand appliqued. 


This is my progress as of today.  I'm thinking of finishing up the last two rows of blocks and then I'm going to put them all together by hand and be done with it.. Then it's on to the last 3 borders!!!


There were a couple of more difficult blocks in this row.  Mostly including applique.  I sat the Basket for the J 12 block right side up.  when you look at the original quilt when it is layed out, it depends on what row they put at the top.  Sometimes this block is a completely different number!  I would have done it exactly like the original, but I have some blocks above it that are definately directional.  one with Abe Lincoln, the other with a drummer.  So I put this block right side up in this row.
 I did it in 3 paper pieced rows.  The top row with the handle was caught in the seam of the middle section. 

This is how I prep for EPP.  I use a 1/2" seam and glue onto a 4.5" paper. 

Next row!



Sorry, I got behind with putting up rows when I finished them  

I have started to make most of my blocks by machine paper piecing whenever possible.  I then sew the sashings on by hand and join them by hand using EPP

The block that was the most difficult in this row was I5.  I think that I have more problems with blocks that need applique than any other.  I just can't get it as precise as I do the other blocks. 

I have been using Susan Gatewoods layout of patterns as much as possible because I like that her patterns include all of the details of the original ..  More to come!!

Tuesday, May 12, 2020


A lot has happened since I finished my last row.. G.

I made masks, finished another quilt, and today I finished all of my blocks for this row.
Here are my blocks for row H

I got the new Dear Jane software from Electric Quilt.  Mostly so I could have the ability to make a chart of my progress.
As of today, this is where I'm at
As always, I have mixed techniques to complete my blocks.  I got sometimes 3 a day finished because I did it this way.

 Block 1 
This block is all EPP

 Block 2
After I finished all of my blocks I did this one over.  The first one was the modified for EPP version.  The center diamond was all EPP and then appliqued onto one piece of fabric.  I really didn't like it because I felt it was too bulky sitting on top of the fabric.  So I re made it.  I machine paper pieced the center diamond.  And made borders.  the 5 pieces of the block were then EPP with the corner triangles hand appliqued on.

 Block 3 
Each section pieced section of this block was machine paper pieced, then the block was assembled with EPP

 Block 4
This block was machine paper pieced, and the center diamond was hand appliqued

 this is what the block looked like before I appliqued on the center triangle

 Block 5
The center section was EPP.  the half square triangles in the corners were machine pieced, and the block assembled with EPP

 Block 6
This block was all EPP.  the curves were hand appliqued

 Block 7
This block is the original version and was machine pieced, and assembled with EPP

 Block 8
this block was machine pieced and then assembled by EPP

I made the quarter square triangles oversized, then cut them to the size I needed. I sewed on the pieces I needed, then glued to the corner triangle pieces using the lines on the pattern lined up with my seams for placement

 this is the finished triangle which I then EPP to the center square

 Block 9
This block was EPP and the diamonds were hand applique

 Block 10
The individual sections with HST and QST were all machine pieced, and the block was assembled with EPP

 Block 11
This block was all EPP

 Block 12
This one was all hand applique

Block 13
This was the easiest block of all.. and it was all machine paper pieced and applied to a square of card stock

I need to take time to cut fabric for my sashing.  I just wanted to complete all of the blocks.  Sashing is boring.. but it has to be done.  I usually apply sashing to each block as I finish it.  But that meant that I would have had to stop making blocks and make sashing, because I only had enough for a few blocks.

Oh well, I'm glad to have this row finished, and I have Row I ready to start.

I hope that you all are having fun with you quilts. And I hope that I have inspired you to try something different with your blocks.


Wednesday, March 4, 2020


When I made this row, I worked out of order depending on what I was doing. For instance I didn't make G2 until last.  So I am putting up the whole row in this post. 

I made the row in two weeks which is a record for me.  I'm finally getting the hang of things. 


This block wasn't difficult.  The techniques that I used were EPP and applique.  I like the stripes, but they were difficult to line up when they come to a point in the center of the block.  

The tip for this block is instead of clipping deep curves that would ultimately weaken the seam, I appliqued the curves in.  this worked out very well, and I continued to do this for the curved blocks in the rest of the row.


This block was entirely machine paper pieced, and set into the rest of the row with EPP.  I highly recommend SUSAN GATEWOOD website for paper piecing patterns.  I do have the Electric Quilt Software, but Susan lays out her paper piecing in a more logical manner.  Also, if you want a block to look more like the original block, I would choose these patterns over the modified versions for EPP. 


This block.  I made this block a total of 3 times, with the petal once more

The top left block is Jane's Original block. I didn't want the modified for EPP version which included sections of the border pieced together. So I printed out a pattern  from Electric Quilt, and appliqued the border in one piece.  I wasn't happy with my first attempt (top right) the border was too wide, and the petals didn't have a nice curve.  So my second attempt I appliqued the border in one piece, and used the 4 piece modified version for the center.  I thought I was just going to go with that. But no.. I was completely obsessed.  So I went to the Gatewood site, and used her pattern.  Her border was narrow which was good.  I needed to enlarge the petals a little, but they have the appropriate curve.. After so many tries, I'm going with this one.  Not perfect, but better.  


This little pineapple block was pretty straightforward.  Based on the original, machine paperpieced, and set into the row by EPP


This block was EPP.  The center section was appliqued in like I did with G-1


I had a little trouble with this block.  I did attempt to machine paper piece it all, but, I just didn't like how it turned out. The modified EPP version came with a blank center section.  At first I thought I would fussy cut some sort of a star for that section.  But I didn't have any print that would work, and I really wanted the little star like Jane put in hers.  So I machine paper pieced the tiny sawtooth star.  because of the thick seams I was unable to wrap it around the center paper so I reverse appliqued it in.  I don't really like the look of the square in the pentagon, but I don't know of any other way to get it done.. I wish I could see a close up of Jane's to see how she did it!
In this picture, you can see what I had to work with.


This block was made by EPP and applique, which is what I used to piece in the curves. (see block one tip)


I used EPP to complete this block.  Fussy cutting the fabric gave me the pretty floral illusion radiating from the center.  A simple block made better by the print of the fabric.


This block was entirely machine paper pieced and set into the row with EPP.  While ultimately, it was faster to do by machine, I think EPP would have given it a cleaner look.  The triangle tips would have fit together perfectly. 


I think that this block was one of the most difficult because it is made on the diagonal.  I entirely machine paper pieced it and it is set into the row with EPP.

 I should have marked this tip so it could be seen.  But if you look where the two D's are you would see a piece of tape holding the pieces together.  I found that there was no easy way to line up the pieces since they are set diagonally.  so I lined them up and taped them.  Then I could fold and pin and sew..  I took a seam ripper to slice the tape to remove the paper.  If you notice the green highlighted areas on the edge, that is to remind me to leave extra fabric so I can put the block on EPP paper.  I use 1/2" seam allowance.  that wraps the card nicely.


Although I could easily applique the diamonds on, I decided to machine paper piece those sections and EPP the block together. 


The modified for EPP version of this block had 28 pieces.  The original applique version has 3.  That's why I went with the original. 


This block is EPP and the curves are appliqued in.

Right now, I just finished joining the row.  Now to attach it to row F.  I am doing them in 3 row sections and then sewing them to the rest of the rows.  I am trying to minimize handling the main center section as much as possible until it is all together.

I am learning so much making this quilt, and I feel that I am using all of the skills that I have learned through the years.  I think there actually IS an end in sight!

Happy Sewing! Teri

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

F-10, F-11. F-12. F-13

 All finished!!

This row didn't take ultra long.  I did a good bit of it by machine, and made a couple of blocks twice.  but I learn more about this every block I make.  Now for the chore of sewing them together.. I think I am going to apply them three rows at a time, so I don't wear out the first 5 rows with constant handling. 

 The last four blocks

I completely paper pieced this block.  I fussy cut the center star from a different fabric.  It was easy.  I tried to use fabric choice to make it special

THIS block.... this was my second attempt

 I really tried to do it the way this modified block was presented by Paperpieces.  I just guess that I don't have it in me to get those divided darts to go into sharp points.  They are done this way to make setting in the corner squares.  I just wasn't happy with it.  I didn't like my choice of light fabric.  But if it had gone together easily, I would have left it. 

 Anyway, the only way to set those squares into this area is to clip down to nothing and having it eventually coming apart.  Or to do it like Jane did, and hand piece it, with 1/4" seams and y seams.  OR  do it like I did.  APPLIQUE.  Now, I will admit, that I would like set in seams, and maybe I will try to do it on a future block, but this looks okay, and once the papers are out and it is quilted, I figure that you would have to study it to tell.  The picture above shows the steps that I took to make a dart. 

I did the darts and triangles the exact same way.. applique, rather than try to make them with the divided pieces.  It came out fine.  That background fabric is old and it is one of my favorite prints.

This block was all applique.  I used "Perfect Circle" templates.  I probably could have used perfect leaves for the others.  Maybe I'll get some sometime.  I made my own out of mylar.  I made these before I thought of the applique paper.  I figure at least the circles done this way are better..


 After finally finishing all of the blocks for the center, and one border, I've probably taken too long of a break.. I still have 3 bord...